Motion Countdown - Cinema 4D Templates

Cinema 4D template that is perfect for your film clips, presentations, etc.

For this project, you need only a software Maxon Cinema 4D. You can easily change the text color, background, as well as the font numbers. Also, this template does not use external textures, so you can change the dimension of the video as you like.

By default, the project uses the font Verdana, you can download it for free on the site

System requirements:
Installed program Maxon Cinema 4D (version 11.5 and above) with the module MoGraph.

The package includes:

  • 1. The help file (PDF)
  • 2. Music file, created specifically for this project.
  • 3. Ready video clip dimensions 1920×1080 in FLV format

    The Readme file you can find my contact and communicate on any issue

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